Second Missionary Baptist Church (Second Baptist Church) was originated at Hightower Hall, located on Fourth Avenue, South. It is identified, in the archives of the Nashville Public Library as the Color Second Baptist Church. The first cornerstone was laid in 1902 at Ninth and Stevens Streets by Reverend G.B. Taylor, Pastor, and Founder.
In 1944, the church building was destroyed by fire. In the beginning stages of the construction of the church, on February 25, 1946, God called Reverend G.B. Taylor to eternal rest. During the time the church was being rebuilt, services were held at 642 Bass Street, the home of Sister Amy Taylor, the late Reverend
Taylor’s wife.
On November 18, 1946, Reverend S. H. Simpson was called to be the supervising pastor of Second Missionary Baptist Church per a request made by Citizens Bank, to supervise the construction of
the building. On June 15, 1947, the Second Missionary Baptist Church family marched from 642 Bass Street to Eighth Avenue, down Eighth and Stevens to the church. The Deacons and Trustees led the processional, followed by the Ushers, Officers, Choir, Sunday School and the remaining members to the new building on Ninth
and Stevens. Reverend C. R. Williams, Sr. was nominated to be Pastor of Second Missionary Baptist Church on January 5, 1948. There were 21 members that voted for Reverend Williams and 2 members voted against him. The church body received word on February 12, 1948, that Reverend C. R. Williams, Sr., had accepted the calling. Reverend Williams officially began his pastorate on the first Sunday in March of 1948. Reverend Williams gave his resignation on Sunday, August 3, 1952. The resignation was finalized on Monday, August 8, 1952, at 8:00
p.m. During a special called Business Meeting on August 8, 1952, the Second Missionary Baptist congregation officially accepted the resignation of Reverend C. R. Williams, Sr. at 8:45 p.m. Reverend S.H. Simpson was reinstated as supervising pastor on August 28, 1952. Reverend Simpson presided over the June 22, 1953, meeting. This was a special meeting held to call a pastor.
Dr. A. M. Walker was elected as pastor during a special business meeting on June 22, 1953, by a majority vote. Reverend Walker resigned after a prayer meeting in July of 1956. Dr. Walker changed the name of the church from Second Baptist Church to Second Missionary Baptist Church. Dr. James W. Alexander was called to pastor Second Missionary Baptist Church in 1956 and he accepted the calling and began his pastorate in January of 1957. Under the leadership of Reverend Alexander, the church moved from Ninth and Stevens to Ninth and Vaulx Lane, due to urban renewal. During the same year, Second Missionary Baptist Church merged with Ewing Avenue Baptist Church. Ewing Avenue Baptist Church was made up of two members, Sister Catherine (Cass) Jackson, and Sister Lennie Caruthers. These ladies were seeking a pastor for Ewing Avenue Baptist Church and Second Baptist Church was seeking a location for their church, thus, making the merger successful.
Dr. James W. Alexander moved the church to 1000 Halcyon (a Masonic lodge) a deacon room, pastor study, baptistery, and new roof were added. The dedication services were held on May 3, 1970. Reverend J. W. Alexander pastored Second Missionary Baptist Church until his death on February 2, 1986.
Brother Calvin C. Barlow, Jr. the current pastor of the church was appointed interim pastor on February 9, 1986 (his birthday). Brother Barlow was elected pastor by a majority vote on September 24,1986. There were numerous accomplishments under the leadership of our pastor, Brother Calvin Barlow. Some of these accomplishments were paying off the mortgage of 1988 (roof under Pastor Alexander); paving of parking lot (1004 Halcyon Avenue); acquirement of additional properties (1006 Halcyon Avenue, and 1001 Montrose); complete renovation of old sanctuary into classrooms and other rooms and offices, and the building of a new sanctuary and educational wing. Bishop Barlow founded and established the Second Missionary Baptist Cooperative Ministries which is a 501 c 3 nonprofit providing wholistic ministries.
Our last worship Service, at 1000 Halcyon Avenue was held on August 7, 2022, at 9:30 am. The last baptism at 1000 Halcyon Avenue was on July 31, 2022. Elder Michael Gooch baptized. On January 7, 2022, Second Missionary Baptist Church purchased First Baptist Church, 1106 Hadley Avenue, Old Hickory, Tennessee under the leadership of Bishop Calvin C. Barlow, Jr.
We held our first Worship Services on August 14, 2022, at 10:00 am. The Dedication Services were held on the same day at 3:00 pm. Pastor Barton Harris and Westwood Baptist University Center were our guest.
I see a people of God being one with God’s vision for his kingdom.
We see people worshiping, praising, and serving him.
I see the saved reaching the unsaved and uncommitted.
We see people of all creeds, nations, and genders learning about him.
I see compassion at work in the lives of people.
We see God’s principles at work in every arena of life.
I see a community of believers in daily communion with the creator of life.
We see transformation and let it start with me.
1 John 1:8-9 ESV
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.